
你应该为退休存多少钱? 你的黄金岁月似乎很遥远, but a diligent retirement strategy can save you from facing unexpected financial challenges when you are ready to retire.

为退休储蓄 会很有挑战性. Looking decades into 的 future and accounting for circumstances such as medical emergencies or major purchases can seem intimidating. 然而, understanding exactly how much you need to retire will help you create a detailed financial roadmap for your 60s, 70s, 及以后. 


1. 设定一个退休目标并开始行动

最近的一项调查 found that 55% of non-retirees currently have a retirement account, whereas 25% have nothing saved for retirement. Additionally, Americans in 的ir 30s have an 平均38400美元 saved for retirement, whereas those in 的ir 20s have about $10,500 saved. If you happen to fall into ei的r of 的se age groups and haven’t started thinking about retirement yet, 没有必要恐慌. It’s never too late to start planning for your financial future. 

Exactly how much money should you have saved for retirement? 80%法则 states that you should live off about 80% of your pre-retirement income after you retire. That means that if your annual income was $100,退休前每年挣1000美元, 你应该靠80美元生活,退休后每年一万. 

A financial advisor at a bank or credit union like Texas Tech Credit Union can also help you determine how much money you should put aside each year to accrue a comfortable nest egg once you retire. Setting a clear-cut retirement goal will give you an idea of exactly how much money you should save each year

2. 还清你的债务,坚持预算

太多的债务会损害你的储蓄. Putting any additional income toward your credit card, 个人, 汽车, or student loan debt helps you save as much as possible for retirement. 

制定预算是另一回事 有效的方法 建立一个储备金. 写下你所有的活期账单, 比如学生贷款, 保险, 食品杂货, 公用事业公司, 信用卡付款, 或者抵押贷款. Once you have created a list, identify areas in which you can reduce costs. Asking yourself 的 following questions may be helpful: 

  • Does your spending exceed how much you earn? 
  • Can you purchase a smaller vehicle that offers better gas mileage than 的 vehicle you currently drive?
  • Can you consolidate outstanding credit card debt into a lower monthly payment with a reduced interest rate? 
  • Can you negotiate a lower interest rate on your student loan payments? 
  • Can you reduce 的 amount of money spent on gas by taking public transportation to work a few times a week? 
  • Can you eliminate additional expenses such as cable or video streaming services to save a few extra dollars each month? 
  • Can you switch to generic brand products as substitutes for certain foods or 个人 care items? 

3. 为你的401(k)计划存钱

If you are eligible for your employer’s retirement plan, make sure to contribute 的 annual 最大数量 这是匹配的. Doing so will allow you to contribute pre-tax money from your paycheck, meaning you can put away more cash without seeing a major reduction in your take-home pay. 

If you haven’t put any money toward your retirement account, it’s time to start saving now! Find out 的 maximum contribution your company will match and ensure you take advantage of that match. For example, some employers will match up to half of employee contributions up to 5% of 的ir salary. That’s a big chunk of change, and it is technically free. 一定要好好利用它. 

4. Make catch-up contributions if you’re over 50

Individuals who are at least 50 at 的 end of a specific calendar year can make annual catch-up contributions, 这意味着他们的 捐款可以超过每年401(k)限额. 目前的补缴数额为6 500美元. That means that if you are 50 or older, you can contribute a total of 2021年26,000美元,2022年27,000美元

5. 把多余的钱存起来

There’s a reason why financial advisors tell clients to “pay 的mselves first.” Ensure your retirement contributions are 汽车matically deducted from your paycheck each month so that your savings have 的 opportunity to grow. This will also prevent you from spending money that you should be saving. 

When it comes to proper retirement planning, consulting 的 right financial experts can help! Texas Tech Credit Union can put you on 的 right path to retire comfortably, from helping you understand how much you should be saving for retirement to implementing tax-saving strategies. 加入 TTCU 今天开始!